Today on the Indie Author Spotlight at the Seventh Star Blog we are featuring award-winning author Jen Selinsky! Jen is a fantastic writer who has over 200 releases to her credit, including fiction in many genres, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, and much more! We invite you to learn more about Jen and her work in today’s interview!

How would you describe your writing style to a reader who has never read your work before?

I would describe my writing as eclectic, as I try to market myself as an author who has something for everyone. For those who are curious about my work, I refer them to my Amazon page, where they can see the covers and read the descriptions of my 200+ books.

What genres are you published in, and what do you like most about writing in those genres?

I have books published in many genres, including: poetry, fiction, (romance, Christian, sci-fi) biographies, nonfiction, YA, cookbooks, coloring books, photo books, as well as a few others. I like writing in a wide variety of genres because it means that my work appeals to a diverse audience.

Are there any genres that you would like to explore that you have not yet been published in? If so, then what interests you about potentially writing in those genres?

I would like to try my hand at writing mysteries and horror. I am also interested in creating a screenplay and/or teleplay, as that is something I have not yet done, but am curious about the whole process.

Tell us about your latest release.

One of my newest releases is my photo book, Home Town, New Town. It is a photographic tour of my home town, Cranberry Township, PA and my new town, Sellersburg, IN. I have included photos from some of my favorite areas. You can find Home Town, New Town here.

What are you currently working on, in terms of your works in progress?

One thing which my husband and I are currently working on has been an ongoing project for over two years, a Genesis song book describing each and every track. The title is Behind the Lines: The Story of Every Genesis Song. I’ve been fortunate enough to interview one of the members of the band, Steve Hackett, with whom I have been corresponding with since 2017. Now, we are working on the process of obtaining permission to license some photos of the band. We hope to have the book published sometime early next year.

What do you personally find most challenging about the craft of writing?

Sometimes, I experience a little burnout, especially after I finish a large project. The other challenging aspect is balancing my time between writing my own books, editing, and ghostwriting. While I thoroughly enjoy all three, I find that I must put my own work aside until after I finish all my assigned projects.

What do you view to be your strengths when it comes to writing?

I don’t know if this is really considered a strength, but my inspiration comes in droves. It seems that I am never short of ideas for projects. My experience in editing and proofreading also helps me make the best of my work.

Tell us a little about your path to becoming a writer, including when you decided to pursue writing with a goal of becoming published and what initially drew you toward writing and storytelling.

I was a very imaginative as a child, and I began writing when I was twelve. By the time I was fifteen, I delved into poetry, and that became my first genre. A few of my works were published in minor publications when I was a teenager. My first book, Opening the Doors, was published in 2001 and can be found here. A few years later, I began writing short stories, novels, children’s books, and other things. During the recent years, I began to work as a proofreader, editor, and ghostwriter. That is how I spend the majority of my time. I hope to make a full career out of this very soon.

What do you find to be some of the biggest hurdles in being a writer today?

I often find that marketing can be a big hurdle for many writers today. It’s one thing to make posts about your latest works on your social media pages. Creating promotional materials and ads is a whole different ballgame. For me, it’s difficult to keep up with a steady pace when it comes to marketing because of my busy schedule.

What do you see as the most important advice you could offer a new writer?

My advice to any writer, old or new, is to keep writing! Don’t let any setback discourage you enough for you to quit your dream. Even if you do not achieve all your goals, don’t give up; you will never know how far you can reach until you try.

In addition, please send a synopsis of your latest available work with a cover art image, an author photo, and website/social media links for readers to find you online.


Synopsis of Home Town, New Town: Home Town, New Town is not just another photography book. This work contains outdoor photos of the town where I grew up, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania and my adoptive town where I’ve lived since 2005, Sellersburg, Indiana. Though I only get to go to Pennsylvania a few times every year, Cranberry Township will always hold a special place in my heart as my beloved home town.

Sellersburg presented itself to me shortly after I finished graduate school; it is where I have settled and begun to establish myself as an author. Please enjoy this photographic walkthrough of some of my favorite places.

To find Jen Selinsky online and learn more about her work, visit:




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