Today on the Indie Author Spotlight at the Seventh Star Blog, we are featuring an author to definitely keep an eye on, Ann Marie Bryan! Ann Marie is an author of Christian Fiction Romance and just had a brand new release with her novel Dream Again! We invite you to learn more about Ann Marie and her writing in the brand new interview below!

How would you describe your writing style to a reader who has never read your work before?

I would use the words—emotional, inspirational, fluid, compelling, romantic—to describe my writing style. I like to put readers in the heart of the story—to pick a side, a team, a couple, or a cause—and give them a chance to think how they would react in a similar situation.

What genres are you published in, and what do you like most about writing in those genres?

Currently, I write Christian Fiction Romance. It is a natural fit for me because I’m a Christian and I enjoy reading romantic stories. Above all, I get the wonderful opportunity to show the awesome power of God in the lives of my characters.

Are there any genres that you would like to explore that you have not yet been published in?  If so, then what interests you about potentially writing in those genres?

I would love to write Historical Christian Romance. I’ve always been a fan of historical romance. History can be a great source of inspiration. So, I think it would be awesome to write romance stories during periods in history. It would be exciting to research the details of that time to add authenticity.

Tell us about your latest release.

Last year, my mom passed, so it was a year of grieving and adjusting for me and my siblings. For me, writing tends to be therapeutic, so I wanted to write a story about someone who suffered the loss of a parent. I wrapped that experience in a beautiful love story, “Dream Again,” which gives hope while showing the awesome power of God in the lives of two hurting people.

This story brings together love, forgiveness, restoration, and new beginnings, while illustrating God’s desire to free people from life-altering events that haunt them. In this novel, readers will witness the incredible transformative power of love in the lives of Carter McIntosh and Gianna Barrett as they lift their faith and develop the courage and tenacity to leave the past behind. Will love bloom? Let the adventure begin.

What are you currently working on, in terms of your works in progress?

On August 20, 2020, I released “Dream Again” which is book 1 in the McIntosh Brothers series. I’m taking a few weeks off and then I’ll continue to write book 2 – Love Again. In addition, I’m hoping to collaborate with a few authors on projects and events.

What do you personally find most challenging about the craft of writing?

Writing can be a formidable task, but for the most part, I enjoy polishing my sentences until they feel right… and compelling enough to capture the interest of readers. I’m always on a mission to make my upcoming release better than my last release. Also, I’m bent on introducing my readers to something that I have not written about in my previous books.

What do you view to be your strengths when it comes to writing?

I love the art of dance and with that comes my love for choreography. As I plan and plot my story, mentally, it’s like choreographing a dance. So, I consider this a strength in my storytelling. Another strength would be creating complex characters. Getting to know one of my characters is like peeling an onion. As in life, we experience mountaintops and valleys, so does my characters.

Tell us a little about your path to becoming a writer, including when you decided to pursue writing with a goal of becoming published and what initially drew you toward writing and storytelling.

I’m an author but truthfully, writing a book was nowhere on my list of things to do. Becoming an author never crossed my mind. However, after I got married, several of my friends and relatives (some living miles away) wanted to know how I met my husband. They knew that I had been single for some time.  So, I had to share my love story, repeatedly. Of course, no one wanted to hear the short version of the story.

Six months later, I was stretched out on the sofa at home on a Sunday afternoon, still recounting my love story.  After hanging up from my call, it hit me – write a book!

A long deafening pause ensued!

A book! A book!

Every reason not to write this book came to mind. But I knew that I had a story to tell.  I also knew that if God called me to write this book, He would equip me and surround me with wonderful Godly helpers. So, like any well-thinking Christian woman, I took the matter to the Lord and felt the peace to proceed with this mission.

It took me two years to write and publish my first novel, Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along.

What do you see as the most important advice you could offer a new writer?

  • Determine why you desire to write. Do research to obtain information on how you can best leverage your knowledge and abilities to fulfill your dream of writing. Benchmark against the best in the area of your writing assignment. Nevertheless, be a trend setter. Do not be afraid to break new ground.  
  • Create an author platform to connect with readers. Be enthusiastic about your book. Celebrate the milestones you have achieved during the process of completing your book. Stay expectant. Trust God. He will bring it to pass.


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Synopsis of Dream Again: One random day. One burst of laughter. One perfect moment. That’s all it takes for Gianna Barrett to capture Carter McIntosh’s attention—and his heart. His whole life has been a series of miracles, so this falls right in line. If only it were that simple. The object of his desire refuses to give him the time of day. Not deterred, Carter is sure he’s ready to put his heart on the line for love. Big mistake. He isn’t quite prepared and finds himself wrestling a soul-deep hurt into submission.

“There has been an accident….”

That devastating revelation shattered Gianna’s life, and in that one chaotic moment, everything she had was taken away. She has spent years carefully crafting her new normal, so there is no way Carter can just insert himself into her life. The fight is on but not for long. Their attraction is instant, and before she knows it, all her cynicism goes out the door.

When Gianna learns more about Carter’s life, she gets a better understanding of her beginning. As she starts her journey to healing, she uncovers Carter’s startling secret. In the days that follow, she struggles with feelings of regret, fueling her natural tendency to retreat. But the flames of desire burn hot and it’s not easy to break their unexpected connection. As the past reaches for them, they soon realize that to move forward, they must look back. Will they allow God to be the anchor they so desperately need—before it’s too late? For all they ever wanted was to be loved.


About Anne Marie Bryan: Ann Marie Bryan is a multi-talented leader with a passion for excellence. She is the CEO and Founder of Victorious By Design, an organization committed to providing top quality professional writing services, comprehensive personal and professional development programs and exceptional performing arts services to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations.

A Christian Fiction author, Ann Marie writes to educate, inspire and empower others. She desires to tell great stories with fascinating characters to show the awesome power of God in the lives of people and places. Her celebrated bestselling Encounters of the Heart series, blend faith and romance that test the resilience of love.

Ann Marie’s greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by tapping into their God-given potential. She enjoys writing, reading, dancing, teaching, meeting people and traveling. With all the knowledge and experiences that God has so graciously blessed her with, Ann Marie is determined to make her life a ministry for the Lord.

2 thoughts on “Indie Author Spotlight – An Interview With Ann Marie Bryan”

  1. Awesome interview. Ann Marie Bryan is an awesome writer. I’ve enjoyed reading her works. Her latest release is a wonderful testament to the power of God’s love!

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